Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Last week I was reading the following:
1. The Missing Element by John L Betcher
2. Breakup: Enduring Divorce by Leo Averbach
3. Dead Man of the Year by Stephen Hawley Martin

I finished and wrote reviews for Dead Man of the Year and The Missing Element. I am still working on Breakup: Enduring Divorce. I am also finishing up North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. As those are for bookclub boards or just personal reading I am only able to read them in between the review books. My daughter's wedding last week went well and I should be able to start catching up soon.

This week I am reading:
1. Breakup: Enduring Divorce by Leo Averbach
2. Shakespeare's Landlord by Charlaine Harris (ebook on Nook)
3. Dancing with Jou Jou by Barbara Louise Leiding

Not sure which other book I will get started on after these. I am going to be working hard to get caught up. Have a great week: enjoy your books.



gautami tripathy said...

You are doing wonderful reading. Keep it up!


Heidi V said...

I'll have to come back I would love to hear about what you think about Shakespeare's Landlord.

I hope you enjoy your reads!!

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Sometimes its hard to choose the next book. I think sometimes its best to go with the flow, whatever falls into your hand is the one you read :-)

Erotic Horizon said...

Love your list of books..

Shakespeare's Landlord - I have heard of this one and Harris is a firm fav amoung blgogers - Hope it works for you..

Have a great reading week..


Jan von Harz said...

Some very interesting title for this week. I would be hard press to choose, but Shakespeare's Landlord definitely piques my interest. Have a freat week.

Sa Toya said...

Very intrigued by Shakespeare's Landlord!
Hope you enjoy them all...and that your week's ace in the face!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, I really must read some Charlaine Harris books. I keep seeing them around, and they look so fascinating.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I have the Missing Element to read as well. I hope you enjoyed it! That is amazing reading with a wedding this past week too!

Hope everything was wonderful!

Bibliobabe said...

Great books - The Poisonwood Bible and North and South are 2 of my favorites.

Here's mine:

Barbara said...

Poisonwood is one of my favorites are all times.

Here's mine!

Barbara said...

sorry, link didn't work

Lydia said...

Huh. I've never heard of Shakespeare's Landlord, will have to go check it out.

Here is my Monday:

Christina T said...

I am planning to read North and South and Cranford this year for reading challenges. I am hoping to watch the BBC film of North and South too.

I've never read The Poisonwood Bible but I've heard that it is really good. The Charlaine Harris series also sounds interesting. I've only read the Sookie Stackhouse books. I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week.

Kathy Martin said...

I liked the Shakespeare series by Charlaine Harris. I hope you do too. Happy reading!

Sarah said...

Sounds like you've been reading some interesting books - I hope you've been enjoying them all :o)

Cat said...

I haven't heard of the Shakespeare series by CH.
Look forward to reading some of your reviews,

Happy reading!

Samantha said...

I always liked Charlaine Harris' Shakespeare series better than her Sookie Stackhouse series, glad to see you're reading it! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I read The Poisonwood Bible years ago, but don't remember much about it. I hope you're enjoying it!

Crystal (I totally paused!) said...

I've been interested in Charlaine Harris for awhile, I keep meaning to bump the Sookie Stackhouse novels to the top of my list!

Have a great week :)

Deb said...

I liked the Shakespeare's Landlord book. I have also read one of the Aurora Teagarden series by Harris as well. My sister had me read the first of the Sookie Stackhouse series when I was visiting in October. Not as much into vampires but I like Harris's writing style and decided to check out the other books she had written. So far so good.

Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

Wow! You had a great reading week especially with a wedding in your family!

I have been reading the Sookie series by Charlaine Harris and have enjoyed those books so far. I will have to check back and see what you think of Shakespeare's Landlord